Spinal Cord Stimulators

These medical devices are implanted near the spine and deliver electrical impulses to alleviate chronic pain by blocking pain signals from reaching the brain.

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Spinal Cord StimulatorsSpinal Cord Stimulators

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Spinal Cord Stimulators

Spinal cord stimulators are advanced medical devices designed to manage chronic pain by sending electrical pulses to the spinal cord, effectively blocking pain signals before they reach the brain. These devices offer a life-changing solution for individuals who suffer from persistent back, leg, or arm pain that has not been alleviated by other treatments. At Maddox Pain Management, our team possesses extensive experience and profound expertise in the compassionate and caring delivery of spinal cord stimulator services. Our physicians meticulously evaluate each patient's unique condition, ensuring a tailored approach that maximizes pain relief and improves quality of life. With a strong emphasis on compassionate care, we meticulously guide patients through every step of the process, from initial consultation to post-implantation follow-up, ensuring optimal outcomes. Trust Maddox Pain Management to deliver expert, empathetic care in managing your chronic pain with spinal cord stimulators.

Expert Care

Our dedicated team uses the latest techniques and therapies to help you regain a pain-free life.

Personalized Approach

We specialize in providing personalized treatment plans to alleviate chronic pain

Local Family

Locally owned and managed, and staffd. We live here. We work here. We take are of our own....

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